Over the years I taught what was then known as Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/Algebra 2, I wrote over 300 pages of guided notes, practice problems, and solutions. These notes covered the GSE standards, but also included some calculus topics (derivatives for polynomials, tangent lines and concavity, and curve sketching), math team ideas, and standardized test concepts. Additionally, the notes come with complete solutions to the homework problems. The notes are now bound and available for $25.99 on Lulu (click on image). 

The solutions manual is available for $35.99 (click on image). 

Additionally, I have found that many Advanced Algebra/Algebra II teachers struggle to teach the statistics standards, whether from a lack of preparation or resources or a general level of discomfort with the material. As such, I wrote a series of 12 lessons (a unit, if you will) to address the statistics in the Georgia K-12 Math Standards for Advanced Algebra. They are available for free below. I also wrote 2 quizzes for this unit, which I can if you e-mail me at dhornbeck@rockdale.k12.ga.us